Tuesday, February 13, 2007


My Sweet Crushed Angel

You have not danced so badly, my dear,

trying to hold hands with the Beautiful One.

You have waltzed with great style, my sweet, crushed angel,

to have ever neared Gods heart at all.

Our partner is notoriously difficult to follow
and even his best musicians are not always easy to hear.

So what if the music has stopped for awhile

So what if the admission to the Divine is out of reach tonight.

So what, my dear, if you do not have the ante to gamble for real love.

The mind and body are famous for holding the heart ransom.

But Hafiz knows the Beloveds eternal habits

Have patience

For He will not be able to resist your longing for long

You have not danced so badly, my dear, trying to kiss the Beautiful One.

You have actually waltzed with tremendous style

O my sweet, O my sweet, crushed angel.

Our -Hafiz c. 1320-1389


liSa said...

oh mind and body that have been holding me ransom in winter deep - soon spring will come to our hearts -
i'm glad for the hope the end of the quote brings - a reminder of something often forgotten - this must be why people get tatoo's

RTF said...


I hope you don't mind if I respond to a comment you put on my blog.

That's cool, I was going to an Anglican church from October until the first week of January. How did you come across an Anglican spiritual director?

Orthodoxy, or my introduction to it, so far, has been a very educational and insightful process. As you can see, I am thinking a lot about it.

The fathers I have met so far are indeed very peaceful, very beautiful and free. Far from what I first expected of leaders of such a religious tradition. To God, they are most reverent. Toward people, graceful and organic.

I have also heard of grumpy Orthodoxy monks, but I'll have to wait until Saturday (see my next post, coming soon).

I think all Orthodox churches are in concord with one another. My only experience is this tiny parish of no more than 15 or 20 people. All of the Orthodox people I know at this church have converted either from Protestantism or Roman Catholocism.

I sit on the fence (or fences), presently.

You should check out that Russian one by Sue's place, or I think there's one on Bathurst Street between Dundas and Harbord, or maybe just South of Dundas? It was the church used in My Big Fat Greek Wedding.

Anyway, thanks for the comments.



julia said...

Hey there,

Church history getting you down, sounds like (just read your recent blogs)...I feel like I'm reaping all the benefits of your research into Orthodoxy without doing any work...thanks for that!
I'm attending St. George the Martyr (Anglican church) and my Spiritual Director is the Priest there. He's great. The church is very Anglican but not super formal.

I have some thoughts about praying with icons...I'm thinking you should check out Taize - ever heard of it? It's an eccumenical Monestary in France (amazing place) that is strongly influenced by Orthodox forms of prayer. You may find it interesting as the monks are anywhere form Lutheran to Orthodox - and they live in peace together!! Check it out on the web...you can read about it.

I have many other thoughts on other things you have written. My main thought is - that maybe your brain needs a break...but let your get take over for a bit? Disregard the world of opinions...and follow the things that are speaking to you..no matter ehat anyone says.
Thats my two cents.
Keep writing! Peace, Julia

RTF said...

Church history is kinda getting me down. I was hoping to read about how Orthodoxy never had any problems until the Great Schism, and even then, they were this solid and united body of believers, quietly adhering to the traditions and revelations passed down from generation to generation.

Tradition and external appearance can be a real stronghold and idol.

I had a really deep insight about all this (or I think I did) last night that I promised myself I would remember if I didn't get up and write it down. But I forgot it, and I never got up.

I'll come back to it later.

Anyway, Anglican priests can be pretty rad.

Yes, I have heard about Taizé through Nidus and through Sue, actually. I find their ecumenism quite refreshing. Maybe I should go to France some time for a pilgrimage. Maybe we should gather a bunch of pilgrims to go!
