Tuesday, July 19, 2005


I think I mentioned in my last post about my dream to live in a lighthouse for a prolonged period of time....it seems I've been a bit obsessed with this idea since coming back from France. However my internet searches on real operating lighhouses have not really yeilded anything up until recently.

I ran across this music education program that was started in Michigan by this singer songwriter dude. Anyway - it was called "Lighthouse Lyrics" and the kids took trips to Lighthouses on the great Lakes and then wrote songs about them! So I wrote this guy and told him about my big dream to live in a lighthouse and asked him if he might have any leads. Today I got an email from him telling me to call him because he has a friend who does documentarys who has an "idea"! It's a little wierd and mysterious. I have a feeling that will be an intersting coversation...so stay tuned...

Anyhoo - not much else has been happening. I am spendiing the most part of my days searching jobs on the net and writing cover letters. From past expereicne it doesnt lead anywhere and after alot of wasted effort I end up working at a place like "The Armadillo Texas Grill". I'm beeseeching (is that how you spell that?) the Almighty that he spare me that fate just his once. Anything but that....anything but the dreaded food service industry. pleeeease.

been doing a few dates with Sharon this month so it has been good to at least be playng somewhere. We will be playing a show in Ottawa next week so that will be nice. I think I will spend soem extra time there as well.

so yeah - thats my life. thrills'n'chills.
keep on rocking in the free world.